Marissa Macias

Manual Movement Therapist

Brain Whisperer

Body Talker


Deep Listener

Creative Thinker

If you're looking for a radically different holistic approach, then you've come to the right place. My specialties include decreasing pain, injury management and prevention, and increasing performance through a Nervous System first approach.

Hello, I'm Marissa.

20+ years experience as a Manual Movement Therapist & Educator 

Truth is... I'm not for everyone and neither is this type of therapy. But making connections is kind of my thing and I'm obsessed with helping to make sense out of it all.

Faster Recovery. Better Performance.

Working gently and purposefully with the Nervous System creates positive changes physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Pain Relief
Injury Recovery
Sports Performance
Mental Clarity

Every thought accepted as true is

brought into your world as reality.

Get an obsession and love your work again



Become the Targeted Treatment Therapist in your area by learning to use the Nervous System to assess movement patterns, decrease pain, and enhance performance.

follow @mmaciasmmt

If you're into human connection, open conversations, and geeking out about all the neuronerdy things? You've come to the right place. 

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